
An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach... 1 Timothy 3:2 

Leadership Team

Our church leadership is provided by the Elders, of which the pastors are also members. The following men currently serve in this role: 

Steve Shangraw


Pastor Steve came to Calvary Independent Church in 2018 after graduating from the Masters' Seminary, as well as previous pastoral service. His wife, Julie, provides welcome support through multiple church ministries.

C. Marvin Hoffman

Pastor Emeritus

Pastor Hoffman served as Calvary Independent Church's pastor for many years. After retirement from full-time pastorship, he continues to serve on the Elder board and provide pulpit supply in the greater Harrisburg area.
Picture Coming Soon!


Kurt Cranford, Elder

Rick Lockie, Elder

Gerry Longenecker, Elder, Treasurer

Tim Quinn, Elder Emeritus

Dave Rhine, Elder, Vice Chairman

Steve Rice, Elder, Chairman

Ed Stover, Elder, Secretary